So the boy-wonder smoked weed at Eton! I'm outraged. I could just never bring myself to vote for an old-Etonian.
An aside to any fellow UKC-ers reading this: once an illustrious former UKC regular dropped innocently into a thread that he had been to school with Boris. Could there be a UKC registered user in this photo!? If you recognize any of your climbing partners here, do tell...
I cannot remember who it was who let that slip about Boris but it really should have been Sloper, alas Tom is just too young.
Not Sloper, but you are heading in the right direction. Think generally-as-rude but with impeccable grammar and typing skills, unlike Tom.
Posh, rude, impeccable grammar? It must be jcm?
I couldn't possible comment Rodney. Someone with too much time on their hands could look for ever Boris Johnson reference in archives though to confirm of deny. :-)
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