Do you think she might have a point?
"Let it be one cheerful rational voice amidst the din of mourners and polemics." Ralph Waldo Emerson, 1840. A Brit-in-Helsinki's blog about global politics, climbing, cycling, things that annoy me and other bits of life. But not necessarily in that order.
I'm the same way with flash lights. :-)
But flashlights (or torches as we prefer in the UK) are very cool things. I'm not sure if it is possible to have too many torches. I have four headtorches in "active service" alone, and my two and a half year old son often won't go to sleep with out clutching his little 2x AA hand torch in the way some kids hold a teddy bear.
I believe that we have reached a concencus. I have never come across a "torch" that didn't give me pause to think....hmmm, maybe, just maybe....
have they all got names?
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