Last night, on our local TV there was a programme “Al Hadath” (which translate roughly as “The Happening”) in which military experts from
Therefore the question is: who will come out of this war the winner? The irony is as follows: in the fight in Bekaa at the Shiite Hospital between Israeli commandos and Hizballah soldiers; Israel stated it succeeded in its mission by capturing a few Hizballah fighters whilst on its side Hizballah said it had proved that it was capable of repelling the Israeli raid and added that Israel due to a incorrect intelligence had captured the wrong Hassan Nassrallah who was hiding there (a mixture of names only). And few days ago, with the Tyr confrontation which
Who is telling the truth and who is lying? Each of those two fighting parties claim in the media that they are unbeatable. I don’t think either of them will come out the winner. However there is only one big loser:
I wonder whether Israeli people are aware of the Lebanese citizens casualties growing number. As I write this report a new area, Chiyah has just been bombed. Two buildings were destroyed in which around ten civilians were killed and almost 30 injured. I don’t understand Israeli’s cruelty in killing civilians. If they claim to be targeting only Hizballah forces, then what is the explanation for the nearly one thousand dead Lebanese citizens so far? There is also the refusal to give security guarantees to the two ships at the sea carrying fuel and other supplies waiting to land. Very Soon
I honestly don’t care about that war; I don’t want to see Hizballah winning or Israeli troops controlling the south. All I want is PEACE in my country. I see people whose homes were destroyed, family members killed due to this war and yet their only reply is: “we are ready to give up everything we own and pay the blood of our beloved ones just for the sake of Hassan Nassrallah”. Who could be sane and still let go the most precious thing: life itself?. Who would not mind living all their lives in war times and hiding in shelters? Sadly, there are a lot of Lebanese Shiites who think this way. The difference may be that Israeli men do care for their lives, while Hizballah’s soldiers ultimately wish to die fighting battles. And at that point, festivals are made instead of funerals and the martyr’s mother will be proudly walking among crowds. Weirdly, Hizballah’s slogan has always been: “Fight to death”. So how can any army defeat men whose precious lives on this earth mean nothing at all to themselves?
Why should there always be deep hatred and blood in order to achieve a goal? I am not a political expert but I strongly believe that the only way to stop this war will be through a diplomatic political agreement. Today Arab foreign ministers met in
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