On the way into work today, I went past the 1000-kms-cycled-this-year mark. Little victories and all that. Actually I have done a bit more than that as I have been out on my road bikes a few times, but that is probably only another additional 100 kms or so, the one thousand is just commuting. I'm a bit behind schedule if I want to do more than 3000 this year although unsurprisingly I tend to do more kilometers in the summer than at the start or end of the year as the weather craps out. The "
frostbite" incident of February now seems a long time ago; dehydration is the bigger danger with the good weather we have been having recently.
Another minor cycling milestone was last friday when on realizing I had a meeting at 9 am, not 9.30 am, I had to ride into work in a bit of panic. I made the meeting on time but had to apologize to our Indian guests for my slightly out-of-breath state. Yet the adrenaline also meant I improved my PB for my commute from
43:42 to 41:10. Hoo-har!
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